I'll be adding non-syllabus related posts on this page as the semester progresses...

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 - What a great start to this class!  Thank you all for your trust an cooperation and especially your attention and effort.  Remember: if you don't have a clipboard I recommend you buy one.  Masking tape and waterless hand cleaner are also good additions to your art kit.  Start looking for those little baby food size jars and containers.

You'll need ten (10) of them.  Make sure they're leak-proof/watertight.  We won't be using the jars until week three or four but use the time to gather them up or talk to Candice in class (she has extras).  FYI - by the end of the semester you should have completed a landscape, a self-portrait and a still life, as well as, drawings of mechanical and natural objects and, the clothed human figure to name a few subjects/motifs in various wet and dry media.

TO REVIEW - Week One - We covered how to set up your easel generally and in relation to the motif/subject keeping in mind bio-mechanics. We also covered how your body is the drawing instrument and the mark-making tool in your hand records what the eye sees.  Remember that there are intelligent lines and those that resemble wire, string and spaghetti.  The four commandments: Draw from the shoulder, stiff elbow and correctly stand at your correctly adjusted easel while correctly holding the mark-making tool.  See you next week!

TO REVIEW - Week Two - We worked on the positive/negative aspects of drawing, which was demonstrated through addition/subtraction.  In this case we "drew" with our erasers removing the black (positive) solid area as if we were drawing and making (black) positive marks.  It is confusing how, depending on point of view or approach, positive becomes negative and vice versa.  Also reviewed was how to set up your easel and how your body is the drawing instrument.  The mark-making tool in your hand records what the eye sees.  REMEMBER: Start drawing away from the class to create specific drawings (assignments) such as landscapes, still life, and your hands and feet.  Also attempt a self-portrait.  At this point in the semester, these drawings will be more studies then "finished" drawings.  The mid-semester portfolio content requirements will be announced here and in class  on the fourth session.

TO REVIEW - Week Three - You were introduced to blind contour drawing as an exercise to help train you to keep your eyes on the prize.  Also introduced were exercises on how to draw with the side of your Conte/graphite/charcoal stick.  The usefulness of this was demonstrated by drawing fabric and plant motifs.  The opening session speed warmups were also introduced to loosen you up.  There was a huge uptick in your abilities as evidenced by your long session still life drawings.

TO REVIEW - Week Four - (coming up - training you to depend on your eyes and not on your brain...)

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